For some reason I have been feeling a lot stupid and useless lately, during the times I am absolutely bored. So I thought about learning Mandarin and Arabic. I have no hurry so I can learn a bit whenever I am free. Back in High School, I did a course on Spanish and I so hoped I could continue but I didnt have time. Spanish is something I want to pick up on later. Not now. Im highly fascinated by Mandarin at the moment.
Anyways. My days have been going pretty okay. Reading week starts from Saturday and I have so much to catch up on. Somehow Im in love with Statistics now all of a sudden, maybe because I finally understood what it is all about. Gosh.
Have been watching Pretty Little liars, Anger Management, New Girl, Modern family and Gossip Girl.
The Beef Nachos I made last Saturday was YUMMY! Best |
I really need to buy one of these. Carrying the big vacuum cleaner all the way to third floor is not possible and it is too heavy as well... I need to find even a cheaper handheld vacuum Cleaner. AMAZON YOU ARE AMAZING! |